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Until Then : Book 1 - Until Then Series Page 4

  “Fuck, fine I will come if it makes you guys stop asking me,” I turned the TV off.

  Joe’s was packed; I instantly spot Sophia from the door when we walked in. She was rushing back and forth behind the bar. Her cheeks flushed, as she laughed at some brooding guy. He was clearly hitting on her. Douche.

  We moved our way through the crowd, and I broke off from the group, “I’m going to go get us some drinks.”

  Keira smirked, “I thought you didn’t want to talk to her?”

  “I don’t, she’s where the beer is.”

  “We’ll find a table.” Cam said pushing his way through a group of people.

  When I got to the bar, I walked up to the right side where they set the drinks. There was no way I was going to get service through the amount of people in the middle. I leaned against the bar top, as I watched Sophia talking with customers. She looked super frustrated annnnd now we’ve made eye contact. I nod in my attempt at Hello.

  She tripped over a mat, “Hi.”

  I laughed under my breath. She steadied herself, as she walked up to me; clearly pretending that she didn’t just trip. “I didn’t know you guys were coming tonight.”

  “Me either.” I leaned into the bar, as someone pushed past me.

  “I can get you another bartender, if you think I might poison you or something.” She joked.

  “I’m trying to be civil.”

  She laughed, “Oh really? That’s new. Well what can I get you?”.

  “A pitcher and four glasses.”

  She walked over to pour the beer, having to stand on her tiptoes to see into the pitcher. She might be crazy, but I'm not complaining about those shorts. She turned to me, and chucked the beer on the counter then walked off without another word. I tried to be a normal guy, I tried to be a nice guy, but that doesn’t work. She has a smart ass reaction for anything I say or do.

  I started to pick up the pitcher and glasses, when some drunk guy started yelling at Sophia. “Little girl, I’ve been waiting for ever. Give me a beer.” The drunk older man slammed his fist on the counter.

  Sophia looked up at him, “One second, Sir.” She grabbed a glass, shaking the cocktail she was making.

  “No, give me a damn beer!” He waved his money in the air.

  I slammed the empty glasses down, “Don’t call her little girl, and she fucking said one second!”

  Sophia looked up at me surprised, and then to the older man who was now attempting to stand. He began balling his fist. “Listen here you…”

  “No, no it’s ok. Here’s your beer.” Sophia hurriedly opened a beer setting it on the counter. “On the house.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her, and grabbed the bottle; then tossed the money on the counter. She looked at me, her eyes pleading with me to walk away.

  For some reason I obliged. Some guy bumped into me on the way over to the table, spilling beer onto the ground. I clenched my jaw, “Why are we here again?”

  “Because it’s Sophia’s first night. Don’t seem so annoyed.” Keira rolled her eyes.

  “I’m just here for the beer.” I sat down next to Leo, and poured a glass. Keira glared at me. Fuck she acts like my mom.

  “Oh great. That’s the last thing I wanted to see.” Leo mumbled. I turned to look, Jess was walking in our direction. This should be interesting.

  “Hi guys! Miss me?” She greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.

  “No can’t say we did,” Leo raised his glass to take a sip.

  Jess sat down on the other side of me, “I see our new friend works here,” she gestured to the bar.

  “Yeah our new friend.” Keira emphasized.

  Jess shot her a look, “You do realize you’re only here because of Leo?”

  “Who invited you again? Or are you just stalking Stefan like usual?” Keira snapped.

  I sighed, “Can you two just get along for one night?”

  “She started it,” Jess took a sip of my drink.

  I looked at her, “How old are you?”

  The rest of the night was pretty boring; beer after beer. Sam showed up; more beer. Everything was so repetitive. Jess is drunk. Keira glared at Jess about 37 times. Cam spilled beer. Shit this is mind numbing.

  The bar cleared out slowly, only a few stragglers were left behind. I picked up the empty pitcher, walking it over to the bar.

  I waved Sophia down, “Can I get my bill?”

  She spun around, and hit a few buttons until the white paper printed out. She placed it in front of me inside of a black book.

  “Are you ok from earlier?” I placed my card in the book.

  “I’m ok,” She took the book, and ran my card, returning a few seconds later. She was still giving me the cold shoulder. I tried. I signed the receipt, and handed it back to her.

  She took the book from me, and started to walk away, stopping mid step, spinning back around, “Actually, why did you stand up for me?”

  “You didn’t deserve the way he was speaking to you.”

  “Oh ok,” she turned to walk away again, opening the book. “Stefan,” She looked up at me concerned, “This is too much.”

  “Call it a peace offering,” I said, making my way back to the table. It was just $100, that guy probably didn’t tip her anyway.

  Closing time arrived. It was 2AM now. We stayed after Joe locked the door and turned off the open sign. You get perks when you know the owner. The sound of the piano started to fill the room. Must be Joe, he loves his damn piano.

  I was wrong, it wasn’t Joe. Sophia was sitting at the piano, her fingers dancing on the keys, a few strands of hair had come loose out of her bun, she was so concentrated. My eyes darted to Sam making his way over toward her, sitting down next to her on the bench. She laughed at something he said, probably hitting on her with one of his sleazy lines.

  “You’re pretty good at that aren’t you?” Joe asked her while he continued counting the registers.

  “I guess. My mom and I used to play,” She forced a small smile.

  She’s so damn frustrating. I don’t know what it is about her. From here she seems sweet, but every time we talk it’s the exact opposite. The room started to fade as I watched her. For some reason I had this want for it to be me, her and that piano. Damn this beer has gone to my head.

  Someone bumping the table snapped me out of my daze. I looked next to me, Jess was leaning against it. “Take me hum.” She slurred.

  Great; I hate drunk Jess. I took her glass, and stood up, “We’re leaving.” I tell the guys, as I motioned to Jessica’s obvious intoxication.

  I ushered Jess toward the front door. I looked back, my eyes met Sophia’s. She’s had a hint of sadness in her eyes ever since I met her on the plane. It wasn’t obvious, but it was there. I broke eye contact, and continued to follow Jess out the door.

  Chapter Six


  Everyone was waiting on me after my shift was over. Somehow we made it home in one piece. Cameron wanted to stop at every restaurant we passed. Thankfully Keira convinced him that she would make him fancy ramen when we got home. We all sat around the kitchen table, while Keira attempted to cook. They asked me how my shift was, and joked about getting free drinks from me the next time I work.

  A burning smell started to fill the room. I looked over at the stove, “I think you forgot the water.” I laughed, pointing to the pot on the stove.

  “Oh crap!” Keira yelled, as she grabbed the pot.

  Leo threw his face into his hands, shaking his head back and forth, “Just microwave it. You’re going to burn the house down.”

  Sam opened a bag of chips, and sat down next to me, “So, Sophia do you have a boyfriend?”

  “Sam, you can’t just go around asking people if they have boyfriends.” Keira waved a spoon in his direction.

  “Why not? I need know who I’m up against.” He winked at me.

  I laughed uneasily, and turned to face Keira, rolling my eyes. He sure does know how to make a situation awkward.<
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  Sam set the bag down, leaning forward, “So, do you?”

  I turned to face him, with a sarcastic laugh, “I do not.”

  “See Keira, this is good information,” He leaned back placing his hands behind his head.

  Keira gave me a look of disgust, and I mirrored it. My attention was drawn to Stefan entering the kitchen. He walked over to the sink, filling a glass of water. He seemed so closed off.

  Keira walked up next to him, leaning against the counter. “Where’s your nightmare? I mean; where’s Jess?”

  He gave her a blank stare, and sipped his water.

  “Ok fine don’t talk to me.” She snapped.

  “She passed out when we got home, if you must know,” He set the glass down; “She’s on the couch in my room.”

  “Great.” Keira pursed her lips together, and walked back over to the stove.

  “Well in other news, we found out the new girl here is single.” Sam nodded toward me.

  I turned to look at Sam, and furrowed my eyebrows, placing my hand on my forehead trying to hide my face. “Thanks, Sam. Thanks for that.”

  “Ok.” Stefan took another sip of water.

  I looked up at him, and he instantly looked away. I can’t win with him. He legit hates me. “I think that’s my cue to go to bed.” I gave Stefan a sarcastic smile as I walked past him.

  My bed was a welcoming cozy heaven. I leaned back on my pillow, and opened one of my books, in hopes that it would make me sleepy. As tired as I felt, my mind was wide awake. My bed was positioned where I could see out of my bedroom door, straight up the stairs that lead to Stefan’s room. It’s just a dark staircase, but for some reason it had my attention. I was intrigued. As I gazed up toward his room, a figure appeared in my doorway. It was him. My awkward long gaze caught his attention, and he stopped at my door.

  He leaned against my door frame. “Do you ever stop?”

  “Stop what?” I closed the book on my lap.

  “You worked all night.” He looked at his watch, “Now you’re reading and its 3AM.”

  I looked down at the book, and then back up at him. “So, you’d rather me not do anything?”

  “Well no, that’s not what I meant.” He defends. “Just relax or something.”

  “Ok, I’ll get right on that.” I said sarcastically, and set the book on the nightstand.

  He laughs under his breath, and bites his bottom lip. “Sam is a creep. You should steer clear of him.”

  “You’re very opinionated tonight. Also what does that matter to you? I don’t really feel like it’s your business what I do or don’t do.” I could feel the sternness coming from my words.

  He shrugged his shoulders, “It doesn’t matter, I guess.”

  “Isn’t he your best friend?” I asked.

  “Yeah, that’s why I’m telling you.” He put his hands in his pockets. “I know the kind of guy he is.”

  “Well, I’m tired of people always telling me what to do.”

  He looked at me for a moment, probably contemplating his next sarcastic remark.

  “It’s your funeral. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He moved toward the nightstand, and picked up my book, panning through the pages.

  “Sure, you can look at it.”

  He looked down at me, and smirked, “The ending sucks.” He then placed it back down, and turned to walk up toward his room.

  I looked around my room, because I felt like I was in a reality show. What the hell was that? He avoids all conversation with me around his friends. He avoids all topics relating to me, and now he’s just casually in my doorway chatting me up? Not even thirty minutes ago he dismissed Sam even talking about me. Now he’s trying to tell me who to see and what to do? Who does he think he is? I clicked my lamp off, and plopped my head on my pillow.

  The next morning I woke up to my mom calling. She didn’t understand how I was still in bed at 10AM, I didn't have the heart to tell her that my new part time job was at a bar, and that I was awake until almost 4. She would freak. I climbed out of bed, and made my way to the shower. Today was pretty free, I could finally get some sightseeing in.

  “Let’s go shopping!” Keira popped her head into my bathroom.

  I jumped, grabbing my towel to cover myself up, “Keira, what the hell?!!” This girl has no boundaries.

  She laughed, “My bad.”

  “I kind of wanted to go to one of the museums today.” I told her as I checked the water temperature.

  “Girl, old shit will still be old shit another day.” She checked her lipstick in the mirror.

  I laughed, “I guess shopping wouldn’t be so bad.”

  “Good because we need to get an outfit for you tonight!” She smiled, and faced me leaning on the sink.

  “Tonight?” I stepped into the shower.

  “The party, remember?”

  I think in my subconscious, my brain tried to forget the party was happening. That’s a lot of meeting people at one time. Keira, has been so nice, and she’s super excited about it. Well she’s super excited about everything, but I just have a weird feeling.

  “Let’s get going!” She yelled from my room.

  We wandered around a few stores until we ended up at a shop that I had never heard of. It was a unique store. It was like a posh consignment store for the rich. The price tags made me want to faint, but Keira said it was her treat. Really it was Leo’s. I learned that he came from old money.

  “How long have you and Leo been together?” I asked, as I followed her through the aisles.

  Keira held up a blue shirt. “A few years.”

  “How did you meet?” I fanned through a few shirts.

  “Well Stefan and Leo, they kind of took me in. I met them at a party a few years back.” She added another shirt to her arm.

  “Took you in?” I stopped, and looked at her confused.

  “Let’s just say I was involved in some things.” She gave me a look.

  “Bad things?”

  She laughed, “You’re so innocent. I like you.”

  She clearly didn’t want to elaborate, so I changed the subject, “Stefan is interesting.”

  She turned to look at me, and smiled, “You like him don’t you?!” She said louder than I cared for.

  “Oh no, no, no…” I waved my hands in distaste. I could feel my face turning red.

  “Ok, calm down.” She laughed as she panned through rack after rack of clothing. She stopped, turning to face me again, “Have you ever had a boyfriend?”

  I started fiddling with a button on a shirt, “Well, no I haven’t. I never had the time.”

  She’s going to think I’m a freak, my dating profile goes: likes long walks, the color pink, has never actually seen the beach for said long walks, has always worked too much to have a social life, and at 21 has never had a boyfriend. Ok...maybe not a freak; a unicorn. Yeah that’s better. I’m an animal with a horn on her forehead. That’s attractive.

  “That’s even better! Now we need to make you extra hot for the party!” She held up a black dress next to me.

  “I don’t think I really need a boyfriend right now.”

  She gave me a half smile, “Look there is nothing wrong with getting a little attention in the bedroom every now and then.”

  “Keira!” I covered my burning cheeks, and looked around to see if anyone heard. “I’m not like that.”

  She laughed, rolling her eyes, “What about your parents? Do they live in Nebraska?” She threw the black dress over her arm.

  I picked up a white shirt that I actually liked, “My father passed away when I was younger, but my Mom still lives there.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “It’s fine; it was a long time ago.” I gave her that awkward smile that you give when you have to say it's fine that my Dad is gone, to make the other person comfortable.

  “My parents live in Brooklyn; can’t keep me too far from home. All the trouble I caused them, tight leash and all.” She shoved the c
lothes she had been piling up into my arms, “Go try these on.”

  “Oh, I thought those were for you?”

  She laughed, “Nope, we’re playing dress up.”

  I tried on about 6 very skimpy dresses that she picked out, until I found the cute off the shoulder white top that I had picked out. I squeezed into the pleather black pants she forced me to try, tucking the shirt in, and opened the door.

  “Um hi, what did you do with sweet Sophia? Because you look hot!” She jumped up from her chair.

  “Yeah, I like it.” I looked down at the outfit, pulling the pants up a bit.

  She stood next to me looking in the mirror. “You’re totally getting laid.”

  “No, I’m not. I already told you.” I laughed, and walked back to the dressing room.

  “Let’s get coffee, and head home. We have lots of prepping to do.” She yelled over the door.

  On the way home we stopped by a cute coffee shop that doubled as a small grocery store. They also sold the most beautiful flowers by the front door. It was as if you walked into a floral heaven.

  I stopped in the doorway admiring the flowers, and then grabbed Keira’s arm when someone caught my eyes. “Wait is that?” My stomach instantly dropped.

  “Jessica.” Keira and I said in unison.

  Jess spotted us, and waved. She moved around a few people, gliding up to us. “Hi, Ladies.”

  “Hi.” Keira said dryly. I forced a smile, in my weak attempt to be nice.

  Jess gave Keira a look, and then looked at me, “Will I see you two at the party tonight?”

  “Well we live there. Sooo…” Keira rolled her eyes, and started to walk away.

  “Yes, I know that. So, does my boyfriend.” Jess snapped.

  Keira laughed, stopping dead in her tracks, “Are you sure he’s your boyfriend, or are you just a little confused?”

  “Well, he wouldn’t call me every night if I weren’t.” She pierced her eyes at Keira.

  Keira coughed, “Booty call.”

  I couldn’t handle the tension anymore. “Why don't you come over early, and get ready with us?” I interrupted. Shit. Why did I do that? Keira looked at me like I had three heads.

  A sinister smile formed on Jess’s face. “Hmm I like that. I’ll be there at six.” She sent an air kiss our way, and glided out of the store like a runway model.