Until Then : Book 1 - Until Then Series Page 5
“What the hell was that?! She is bad news.” Keira grabbed my hand pulling me further into the store.
“I just hate tension, and that was the first thing that came to mind. I just blurted it out.” I gave her a pitiful expression.
“It’s ok, now we just have to entertain her crazy ass.”
Coffee was a bad idea, not just because we ran into Jess. The caffeine had heightened my nerves. Although Keira has been super nice, I was still the new girl in this giant city. I started to take my earrings off, and set them on my dresser. I noticed a book with a note on top, resting on my nightstand. I picked it up, and peeled the yellow note off of it. This ending is better-SE is all it said. I laughed under my breath. Now Stefan is a professional book critic?
Chapter Seven
I stood there fanning through the pages of the book. The wrinkled edges mirrored my books that were in the corner of my room. Mine tend to get wrinkled from reading in the bath, but I couldn’t imagine Stefan cozied up in a bubble bath reading. The thought of it made me laugh.
“Soph, come downstairs!” Keira yelled.
I looked at the book one more time, and then set it back down on the nightstand. We probably should start getting ready. I guess I’ll go see what she wants.
Leo, Stefan, and Sam were hanging out in the living room when I got downstairs. They were talking about the party tonight, while Leo and Sam played video games. I looked at Stefan, but he wouldn’t even look in my direction. I wanted to ask about the book, but he clearly was avoiding me again. Keira came bouncing up to me holding two glasses of wine. I laughed at how excited she was.
“It’s our getting ready drink.” She handed me one of the glasses. I took a sip of the red, and my nose scrunched from the bitter taste, a lot like Stefan’s attitude right now.
Leo stood up, walking over toward us. “You, Ladies ready for tonight?” He took Keira’s glass taking a sip. His face almost had the same reaction I had. “Gross, I don’t know how you drink this stuff.”
“It’s red wine. It's healthy for you,” she rolled her eyes, taking her glass back from him.
“Do you believe everything you read?” He laughed, and walked into the kitchen.
“It was on that doctor show. So, it must be true.” She said sarcastically.
All of our attention goes to the front door, as it swung open. Jess appeared speaking very loudly on her phone. The girl can make an entrance, that’s for sure. I looked over at Stefan. His face immediately dropped at the sight of her. He seemed very uninterested that she was here. I felt like I needed popcorn, it was like watching a soap opera.
Jess said goodbye to whoever she was talking to, and made her way into the living room. “Hello Friends.” She sang, as she walked up to Stefan. She leaned in to kiss him, but he turned his head away from her, causing her to land on his cheek. Is this awkward or just me? I could see the slight frustration on her face, but she tried to act like it didn’t happen.
“You guys ready? I brought all my best makeup. We can even do a makeover on you Sophie.” She said Sophie like I was a child. I might smack her, but my inner church girl was telling me no.
“Yeah sure.” I do my best fake laugh. Keira was looking at the both of us while she sipped her wine. She probably was thinking this was as entertaining as I did.
I started to make my way upstairs, Keira followed behind, skipping a few stairs to catch up next to me. “We can get ready in my room.” She said. We walked into her room, I instantly noticed her lilac walls, and dream catchers. It smelled of incense, reminding me of my Mom’s hippy faze.
“Do you want me to do your hair, Sophie?” My neck snapped toward the door, as Jess glided in with her bag. She walked like she was on air. She had already begun pulling out her curling wand. “You should really dye your hair. Brown hair is so boring.”
“I think you look fine.” Keira chimed in.
I gave Keira a thankful expression. “I think I’ll do my own hair. I’m going to go change into my outfit.” I tell them. Half way out of Keira’s room, I heard Jess mumble something about Stefan. I was interested in what she said, but decided to continue up to my room.
When I got to my room I looked in the mirror at the state of my hair, I decided just to straighten it. Jess isn’t a hairstylist, and I paid good money for this trim. So, who cares what she thinks. I applied my usual basic makeup with my red lip, and I wiggled back into the black pleather pants. The white off shoulder top complimented my lipstick, I was pretty happy with Keira’s outfit choice for me. Converse, no converse? Sandal? Barefoot? I do live here. I guess it didn’t matter.
When I got back to Keira’s room, they were chatting like old friends. Keira did say they used to be friends, so I guess it wasn’t that strange.
“Hi.” I finally spoke up.
Keira jumped up in her little black dress, “You look so good!”
“Good is a word.” Jess laughed. Keira shot her a death stare.
“I hear people downstairs. Should we head down there?” I asked, trying to avoid my attire being a topic any further.
“Yeah lets go make our entrance.” Keira grabbed my hand, leading me out of her room. “I can’t believe you left me with her.” She mumbled.
I mouthed to her I’m sorry.
“It’s fine.” She smiled.
The living room was filled with people drinking out of red cups. I guess even in New York City, red cups are a staple at parties. Keira hugged a few people, introducing me as we moved through the new faces.
“Sam better have made his punch,” Jess appeared behind us. “I can only stand these parties for so long,” she pushed past us, walking toward the kitchen.
“What’s gotten into her?” I asked.
Keira laughed, “Jess is used to parties where the invites only go to families dancing around the Forbes List.”
“Well, I can see why she hates me so much. The only list I've ever been on is the Dean’s List, and I thought that was an accomplishment.”
Keira waved her hand, “Nah, she’s just intimidated.”
“By me?”
She linked my arm, “You’re the new girl. Everyone wants to know who you are.”
We found Jess already gulping down what I could only assume was Sam’s punch. I had a feeling she would be buzzed in t-minus thirty minutes. Keira picked up two cups, handing me one of them. I picked up the spoon, and started to fill my cup. Jess was standing there scanning the room, drumming her nails on the counter. Her eyes landed on me. She giggled as she pressed her cup to her lips, and walked off.
“Just ignore her.” Keira began scooping the punch into her cup.
“Trust me, I am.” I smiled, taking a sip.
I followed Keira down stairs into the game room where people were playing pool. Two girls were sat on top of a bar watching the game, while another guy was mixing a drink behind them. We walked out back to find Leo, who was sitting at a table talking to Cam.
As we walked toward the table, we were both jolted forward. “Here are my ladies.” Sam wrapped an arm around us each, as he stumbled up to us. “Dang Soph, you’re looking hot tonight.” He pulled me in closer, smiling in the creepiest way as he looked down at me.
“Alright, down boy.” Keira removed his arm from her shoulders, “Stop making Sophia uncomfortable.”
“You’re no fun.” He pulled his arm away from me, and plopped down on a chair next to Cam.
They all start to talk about work, old stories, and joke about how intoxicated Sam was. As I looked around the backyard, two guys were playing corn hole, a girl off to the side was flirting with some guy; she will most likely wake up in the morning with a random number in her phone titled James Don’t Answer, but his name will in fact not be James but John, and it will be a very fun topic of conversation the next time they run into each other.
I noticed that Stefan had yet to make an appearance. At least I haven’t seen him since earlier. I didn’t even know why I was looking for him.
My drink remained mostly full the entire night, as I tried to nurse the same one for a few hours. After my first night in New York with the infamous blue drinks, I didn’t really mind being sober for a very long time.
A drop of water fell on my cheek, causing me to look up. A few more drops fell as we started to realize it was about to pour down rain. We all hurried inside, trying to avoid getting wet. Most of us made our way up to the living room where we found a very intoxicated Jess sitting next to a random guy whom she was sitting awfully close to.
My eyes locked on Stefan, who was standing in the kitchen by the island talking to a few people. He looked over at the group of us entering the living room, and went back to his conversation.
“Hey Jess, having fun?” Keira plopped down next to her on the couch.
Jess adjusted her legs slightly moving away from the guy. “What’s it to you?”
“Nothing,” Keira laughed.
Stefan walked up, and leaned against the wall next to Sam. I moved through the living room trying to make my way to one of the chairs.
“Sit down Sophia.” Jessica demanded. “You’re starting to annoy me.”
I stopped halfway to the chair looking dumbfounded. Did she just say that? Keira looked as if she was about to yank Jess by the hair, and throw her on the ground. I wanted to avoid that, so I did my best fake smile, and sat down.
Leo walked up carrying a beer, and sat down in the other chair. “Jess leave her alone.”
“What Leo? She’s boring; with her boring hair, and boring personality. She hasn’t even had a boyfriend, can’t even find a guy to find her interesting enough for that. Plus she’s pining over Stefan. So, that’s hilarious. To top it off her dad is dead. He even found her boring. Can’t keep a man around can you?”
My mouth dropped open. I was studying the red headed person whose words just cut me like knives. I didn’t know how to respond.
“Jessica, stop.” Keira snapped, piercing her eyes at her.
I looked at Keira, as my chest began to tighten. How could she tell her those things? One of my most vulnerable traits about myself was just used as a joke. My dad didn’t leave me, he died. He went through a horrible death that I watched. Also, I repeatedly said I didn’t like Stefan. I’ve never thought it was odd that I never really dated, but maybe something was wrong with me? Maybe I am broken? My eyes met with Stefan’s, my heart started to sink. I put my hands on the arms of the chair to start to get up, and everything after that was slow motion.
Jess stood up, “You guys are no fun, I was just joking.” She laughed, making her way past me. It was all a blur. I watched as her cup slipped out of her hand, the red liquid pouring out into the air, landing on the front of my white shirt.
“Oops.” She laughed, looking down on me. “Clean that up, will you?” She walked away as if nothing happened. Everyone slowly faded away. I felt as if I had blacked out. I sat there frozen.
Chapter Eight
Everyone kept asking if I was ok. Keira was trying to console me. I could hear Leo yell at Jess as she left the room. Stefan followed Jess into the kitchen. Everything was muffled, like tunnel vision. I just needed to get out of this room. I couldn’t even understand what Keira was saying. I removed my hands from the grip I had on the chair. My feet quickly took me toward the stairs. I avoided eye contact with everyone.
Keira followed closely, “Do you want me to come with you?”
“No.” I didn’t even look in her direction, I just continued up the stairs; escaping as quickly as I could.
Halfway up the first set of stairs, I could feel my feet becoming faster; my steps getting harder. I wiped my face, not realizing tears had started to fall. By the time I reached my room, the tears were more like streams of water. I slammed my door shut, and climbed into my bed. I clutched the pillow tight against my chest, as small whimpers escaped my mouth. I hate them. I hate her. This isn’t how it’s supposed to be. I just want to go home. I don’t deserve this.
Another small kick to my stomach came when I realized what I was staring at. I leaned up on my arm, and picked up the book that Stefan left in here for me. Was this a joke too?
I swung my door open, and ran full force up the steps into his room. His door opened with more force than I intended, banging against the wall. I walked straight toward the closest dresser, and slammed the book on it. He can have his shitty book back, along with his shitty friends.
When I turned to walk out, I looked around this unfamiliar room. This was the first time I had come into his room. It was lit only by the moonlight coming through the windows. The rain was still falling outside. A sense of calmness came over me. He had bookshelves filled with books that were color coordinated, and a piano in the corner. The window had a giant window seat that ran the length of it. I brushed my fingers on the piano keys, and walked over to the window seat. At least the moon was friendly tonight.
Jess was already filling another cup by the time I reached her. She was acting like nothing was wrong. She was smiling at some guy across the room, and I was over the way she was acting.
“You’re being a drunk bitch, Jess.” I snapped, walking up behind her.
“You’re being a drunk bitch,” she mocked, and sipped her drink.
“I think you’ve had enough. You were a total jerk in there,” I reached for her cup to take it from her, but she took a step back.
She squinted her eyes at me, “What does it matter? She’s just some girl off the streets. You can replace your roommate,” she waved her cup around. “Why is everyone oh Sophia, poor Sophia.”
Keira came rushing into the kitchen and shoved Jess. “Because she’s nice. You dumb psycho!”
“Watch it.” Jess snapped, checking her shirt to see if her drink spilled.
Keira laughed, “Oh what, did you spill your drink on your expensive top? How ironic.”
“You wish you could afford this. If it weren’t for Stefan and Leo you’d still be selling drugs, begging to be our friend.” Jess slammed her cup down on the counter.
“Yeah to stupid bitches like you!” Keira was full on yelling at this point.
“That's enough!” Leo stepped between Keira and Jess. “Stefan, you need to muzzle Jess before I do.”
Jess laughed, “He won’t do anything to me.”
I looked at the three of them, and all I wanted to do was tell them to shut the hell up. “I’m going to see if she’s ok.” I told them, and then looked at Jess, “You need to stop or get the hell out of this house.”
Keira grabbed my arm before I left the room, “Stef, she told me she didn’t want me to follow her. Maybe she needs to be alone?”
“We all know I'm not keen on listening to what people tell me to do.” I pulled my arm back, and left the room.
The entire way upstairs I tried to ignore the anger that had come over me. I don’t even know what to say to her. She basically hates me. Sorry for my ex being a psycho. Yeah, that’s complete and utter shit. I’ll improvise.
I walked into her room, but she wasn't there. I ran my hands through my hair. Come on Sophia, where did you go? She wasn’t even hiding in her bathroom, like I found her the first night. Did she fucking go into the city alone? Fuck, I don’t even know why I care. I turned to walk out of her room, and I noticed my door was cracked open.
I made my way up the stairs; I don’t know why she would be up here. Once I pushed open the door, I saw her. She was sitting by the window, staring out at the streets. The remnants of dried tears were left on her face. She seemed so peaceful after everything that just happened down stairs. Jess can really fuck with people.
“What are you doing?” My voice was sterner than I meant for it to be.
She jumped at the sound of my voice. She stared at me for a minute, panic filled her eyes. “I um...I’ll leave...I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to stay in here.” She started to get up off the window seat.
I waved my hand, “Its fine. I just thought...”
“You just thought what?”
I walked over, and sat down on the foot of my bed. “I thought you went into the city by yourself.”
“Like you care?” She said dryly.
“You know, it might surprise you, but I'm not an asshole like you think.”
“Could have fooled me.” She turned, and looked out the window again.
I stood up walking toward her, “Why do you say that?” I could see how apprehensive she was as I sat down next to her.
She bit her bottom lip, “Were doing this? Now? Ok, you’ve been a jerk since day one, and I don’t get it. I’ve tried to be nice to everyone in this house, and tonight I was completely humiliated in front of the only people I know in this city. I’ve dreamt of this move since I was a little girl. I imagined meeting these amazing people, who would change my life, and it’s been shit from the beginning. From the moment you sat next to me on the plane. I wish I could start all over. I wish I had another seat on that plane. I wish I had never met you.” Her words stung as the shakiness in her voice filled the air.
“It’s not that great you know.”
She wiped a small tear away from her face, “What isn’t?”
“The City.”
“Says you, but I’ve dreamt my entire life of moving here. I can’t go home.”
“You can’t go home?”
“Nothing.” She looked out the window again.
A few moments of silence passed by. She’s built a wall up around her, and I don’t know how to get past it.
She looked back in my direction, resting her head on the wall, “Why were you on a plane from Nebraska?”
Of course she would ask about that. She doesn’t have a right to know about my personal life. She’s just some girl. She was staring at me, waiting for my response. Her eyes made it seem as if I've known her for years, or that she can see through me, the real me. If she knew that part of me, she would hate me more than she already does.