Until Then : Book 1 - Until Then Series Page 3
All of a sudden I felt my hand being grabbed, and I was spun around to meet Sam straight in the face. He pressed his other hand against my back forcing me to dance.
“Ok, you don’t have to beg. I’ll dance with you,” he smirked. “I’m Sam.”
“Um hi…” My face was full of confusion. His face was closer to mine than I wanted. I felt super uncomfortable, and looked away. My eyes met Stefan’s, and it was as if he were studying us.
“You’re new.” He said, bringing my attention back to him.
“I just moved here.”
“Yes, i’ve heard.” He twirled his finger in my hair.
I took a step back, “Umm...”
“Don’t be nervous. I’m sure we will get to know each other very well. We do live in the same place after all.” He winked.
“We what?” Then it hit me; the other room across from Keira’s. She said the person’s name was Sam. I looked up, and noticed Stefan had yet to take his eyes off of me.
Sam stepped toward me, and I backed away further. “I need to go.” I turned to make my way through a group of people to find Keira.
“I was just kidding.” He called out, but I ignored him.
Finally I found her near the front of the bar. “Ok, time to go.”
“Why? What happened?” She looked at me concerned.
I moved closer to her and whispered, “I met Sam.”
“Oh yeah, I told you he was creepy; funny guy, but creepy.”
“You could say that again.”
She took my hand, “Alright let’s go.”
Cam, Keira and Leo started to say their goodbyes; I v-lined straight for the door. The fresh air calmed me. My emotions started to get the best of me. I felt my anxiety kicking in. You got this, I reminded myself.
“You ok? Leo asked, as he exited the bar.
“Yeah.” I lied.
Keira linked her arm with mine as we started to walk, “Uh no, she’s not ok. She just got creeped on by Sam.”
Cam walked up, “He’s a tool.”
“We’re kind of stuck with him though, since he’s Stefan’s best friend and all.” Leo added.
Cam looked up from his phone, “Yeah, they’ve been friends for a while now. I think like nine years; ever since his parents banished him here.”
I laughed, “His parents banished him here? What is this? Medieval times?”
“Guys you are explaining this all wrong.” Keira waved her hands in protest, “His parents sent him here for school. They had a falling out years ago; something with his brother. They come around for the occasional social party for appearance.”
“Is that why he’s such a dick?” I asked.
They all burst into laughter, but I thought it was a valid question.
“He’s not so bad once you get to know him.” Keira smiled, and nudged me as we walked into the subway.
We finally made it back to the house. I was so relieved to be home. This night had been interesting to say the least, but I was ready for bed. I told Keira goodnight as I passed her room. She had been nicer than I could have hoped for. At least I made one friend so far.
When I got to my room, I changed into my favorite pajamas; a pink cami and pink shorts with avocados on them. I brushed my hair out, and climbed into my bed.
My mind started racing as I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. I was still in shock that Stefan, the guy from the plane, was my new roommate. I can’t remember if I've ever yelled at someone like that before. I don’t know what came over me. It was like he knew how to get under my skin. I would have never yelled, if it weren’t for those blue shots.
Suddenly it felt as if there was a frog in the back of my throat. Oh no. Those blue shots.. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom as my stomach started to rumble. After that, the rest was kind of a blur.
I woke up snuggled in my bed and attempted to sit up. I reached for my forehead as a headache immediately hit me. I made my way to the bathroom to wash my face, and I noticed my avocado pajamas on the floor. Instantly I was confused, because I remember putting them on last night. I looked down; I was in one of my grey shirts and another pair of pajama pants.
I finished curling my hair, and put on a tight white tee and my favorite blue skirt with white polka dots and brown booties. I don’t start work until tomorrow; I might as well try to find a night shift somewhere. I needed to figure out how to afford to stay in the city somehow.
I grabbed my brown purse, and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. Keira was sitting at the table with Leo as he was eating a bowl of cereal. Stefan was looking through the refrigerator; couldn’t shake him apparently. I mean he does live here, but if he could just not ever be here, that would be cool.
“Hey, Soph,” Keira jumped up from the table. “Do you want to go get brunch?” She asked as she handed me a glass of juice.
“I have plans to look for a job today, but sure.”
“That’ll be easy. I know a guy.” She pulled out her phone.
“You sound like a drug dealer.” Stefan said dryly, as he picked up a banana. “Plus the guy you know probably doesn’t live up to her high class standards.”
Keira rolled her eyes, “Its Joe, Stefan.”
He looked at Keira like she had lost her mind, “She’s not working at Joe’s. Not happening.”
“Joe decides that. Not you.” Keira snapped.
I was taken aback by his attitude this early in the morning. Who does he think he is? I could really throw this cup of juice on him. “I don’t have high class standards; contrary to your all knowing belief.” I added.
Leo laughed under his breath at my response. Stefan looked at me, clearly annoyed and walked out of the room.
Keira smirked, “It’s not very often that someone gets under Stefan’s skin. I think you’re my new best friend.”
I laughed, “At least one person in this house likes me so far.”
First we stopped for lunch. The restaurant was a small cafe with industrial decor. There were plants placed throughout the room, that I assumed where there to brighten up the dark ambience. It was extremely busy, so we made our way to sit at the bar.
“Last night was interesting.” I said, as I took my seat.
“Yeah, I’d say so.” She started flipping through the menu “I can’t believe you snapped at Stefan like that.”
“I don’t know what came over me. I think I had a lot of liquid courage to say the least. I wasn’t even in the same pajamas that I fell asleep in, when I woke up.”
She looked at me strangely, “You must have been pretty out of it.”
“What do you mean?” I picked up the cup of coffee the bartender set in front of me.
She studied my face, “Stefan, he...he came into your room last night when he heard you fumbling around.”
“He did what?!” I almost choked on the coffee.
“Not like that!.” She laughed, “You mean you don’t remember?”
I shook my head, “No?”
“Apparently when he got home last night, he heard you in your bathroom. You know, getting sick and all.”
Then images of me clinging to the toilet started coming back to me. My hand covered my mouth as she continued.
“So, he went in to check on you. Apparently he stayed there until you fell asleep on his lap.”
“Wait so how...why did I change clothes?”
“Well you messed up your shirt, and he woke me up at like 5AM when he moved you to your bed; so that I could change you. Don’t worry he was a gentleman.” She laughed. “I thought he was passed hating you, it was extremely out of character that he took care of you, but then he was a jerk this morning.” She shrugged her shoulders.
“That doesn’t make any sense. Why would he take care of me?”
“I don’t know. I thought he would have brought Jess home, but she was nowhere in sight. Which is surprising; He’s been so hung up on her the past few years.”
“But why? She slept with his brother.”
“Maybe she’s got a golden vagina.” She took a sip of her coffee.
My eyes went wide as a laugh escaped me.
Chapter Four
After brunch we walked to the subway, and took it two stops up. We ended up at a bar that was in an old brick building with a black front door. The sign hanging above the door was an old green swinging sign.
“This is the place,” Keira walked down the steps. I followed down behind her.
When we entered it was empty. The sign on the door said it was closed, so I assumed that they didn’t open until tonight. The walls were brown; there was a pool table off to the side, a large red booth in the corner of the room, and a long wooden bar that ran almost the length of half the room. There were wine glasses overhanging the bar for accessibility.
“Joe? Are you here?” She yelled.
“Hey hey hey, I don’t need any of that yelling this early.” This big brawny man walked from the back. Sometimes I feel as if I can’t hide my emotions on my face. He instantly saw my uneasy expression, and smirked. “Keira, where have you been?” He greeted her with a kiss on each cheek.
“I’m a busy lady, Joe.” She gave him a half smile.
He scoffed, “Busy lady? What are these lies you are telling me? If Stefan can make it in here, you can make it in here.”
“Maybe he likes you more than I do.”
He gave her a look and a deep laugh, then turned to me, “Alright, this must be the lovely Amanda you texted me about.” He shook my hand.
“It’s Sophia...I’m Sophia. Nice to meet you.” I shook his hand in return. His arm moved more aggressively than mine, half shaking my entire body.
He scratched his chin, “Hmm Sophia, you think you can sling some beers?”
“Yes. I think I can.” I pushed my hair behind my ear.
“No, be confident. You say I AM capable of anything.”
I laughed, repeating his words, “I AM capable.”
“That’s what I like to hear! You can start Thursday.”
“Really? Thank you so much!” I smiled. Well that was easier than I thought.
“Yes, yes.” He started waving us toward the front door, “Now get out of here you two, I got work to do.”
“See I told you, I got you. You got the job right on the spot.” Keira said once we were outside.
“How do you know Joe?”
“Stefan has known him for a long time. Joe knew his family or something.”
“That’s why he was so adamant about me not working here?”
She shrugged her shoulders, “Maybe. He’s been pretty weird since you arrived, but like I said, just ignore him. He will come around.”
We arrived back at our place. The house was quiet. I thanked Keira for helping me find a job, and made my way upstairs. When I entered my room, I immediately jumped. I was greeted by Jessica sitting on my bed.
“Hello, Sophia.” She perked up at my presence.
I lingered at my doorway, “Hi...what are you doing in here?”
“Were friends right?” She picked up a book on my nightstand, and fanned through it.
“Sure?” I was still staring at her blankly.
She tossed the book back down on the nightstand, “I figured I’d come in here, we could share clothes, share secrets, and braid each other's hair.”
I gave her a confused look, and I started to open my mouth to say something then closed it. Because I had no words for what was happening. The same confused expression was still plastered on my face.
She stood up and started to fiddle through my jewelry, she flipped her hair over her shoulder. “This is pretty.” She held up a necklace. “Can I borrow it?”
“Um sure,” I walked into my room, dropping my purse on the floor. It’s a cheap necklace anyway. So, if it went missing I wouldn’t cry. Plus I'm afraid if I say no that she might voodoo doll me.
“See we’re friends.” She smirked. “Friends share, but I will tell you something...” She held the necklace to her chest, as she admired herself in the mirror.
“Tell me what?” I stepped closer to my bed, as she moved around my room.
“I don’t share my men; especially Stefan.”
“Stefan?” I sat down on the bed.
“Yes, Sweetie. I saw you two having your adorable argument last night. I’m sure you were just jealous, it happens to everyone. We’re getting engaged you know.”
“I just met him yesterday. I don’t even know him.” Engaged? Keira didn’t mention that. I was so lost at this point.
“Irrelevant. Yes, his parents throw this huge Winter Gala every year. That’s when it will happen. His mother and I have it all planned out.” She boasted.
“Soph? Are you up here?” Keira called out as she appeared in my doorway; only to be as perplexed as I was when I first walked in from the sight of Jess.
“I don’t really like this necklace that much anyway. ” Jess set the necklace on my dresser. “Costume jewelry really isn’t my thing. Remember what I said, Sophie.” She sang my name out, disappearing like she was never there.
Keira looked back and forth between me and the empty door frame. “Um what just happened?”
“I don’t know.” I scooted further back on my bed.
She sat down next to me. “What did she say to you?”
“Apparently that we’re best friends now and we’re going to braid each other's hair; oh and that she and Stefan are getting engaged?” I laughed sarcastically.
“She said that?” Keira giggled, “Stefan married? He is so messed up. That’s the last thing he has on his mind. She just wants the family money.” She laid back on my bed.
“Family money?” I picked up a pillow, placing it in my lap.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t say they’re poor in the slightest.” She raised an eyebrow at me,
“They’re one of the richest families in New York.”
“I never would have thought...wait then why does he have roommates?”
She laughed, “He’s different. The house is his, but honestly I don’t think he likes to be alone. He has a rough relationship with his family. He hasn’t always been this way, but he’s changed. He doesn’t put it out there too much that he comes from money. He’s not flashy around his normal friends. It’s kind of hard though. Most people know who he is.”
“What do his parents do?” I ask, slightly intrigued.
“His grandfather started some company years ago, and they’re like investors of some sort.”
“So, Jess was marking her territory.” I laughed, rolling my eyes.
“Yeah, he’s a catch if you can catch him, but he doesn’t really date. Not anymore.”
“Well, Jess has nothing to worry about. Stefan and I clearly do not get along.”
Keira smiled, “Give it time. He’s nice if you get to know him.”
Chapter Five
Two days had passed since the awkward moment in my bedroom with Jess. I’ve avoided Stefan as much as possible. I get the occasional smart ass comment, but other than that I’ve been hiding away in my bedroom preparing for my job that started in a few days. I’ve always had this annoying you can’t fail mentality. I don’t start until Monday, but I like to be overly prepared.
Today though, was my first day at the bar; Sophia Brooks...Professional Bartender at your service. You dream of moving to a big city with a big adult job, but reality kicks in and you’re eating Chinese on a Friday night at midnight because you got off a 12 hour shift, and you’re too tired to cook or even brush your hair. That’s what real life is.
It was already late afternoon; I really needed to start getting ready. I peeled myself away from my laptop and started fumble through my closet for something remotely close to the “dress code” Joe described to me; Black shirt, black shorts or black jeans. I found a black tee that I had band from high school on it. I pulled on my high-waisted black shorts, tucked in the shirt, and laced up my converse.
My hair was
super wavy today. As much as I loved my natural look, I decided to straighten it. I was standing in front of my mirror when I heard Stefan walking down the stairs from his room.
He stopped at my door, “So, you work at Joe’s now?”
I set my straightener down, “Is that going to be a problem? Because I feel like if I breathe in your direction you become annoyed.”
“No, I was just going to say that Joe was a good guy, but never mind,” He walked out of my room.
“Stefan wait...” I called out.
“Nope. I hope you don’t suck on your first day.” He yelled back, walking down the stairs.
I let out a large exhale; I can never tell when he’s being nice. Then when he actually is, I turn around and snap at him. I’m not going to let him ruin my first day at the bar. I put on my favorite red lipstick, and grabbed my purse. Thankfully I was able to sneak out before anyone saw me.
It was about 9 when everyone started arriving at my house. They all planned to go to Joe’s for Sophia’s first night, I quickly declined the invitation. The girl hates me, I’m the last person she would want to see.
“Come on, Stefan.” Keira begged, standing by the door.
“For the last time, I’m not going.” I continued flipping through the channels on the TV.
Keira leaned over the couch, forcing me to look at her, “You’ll have fun. She’s really cool if you actually talk to her. I don’t understand your problem with her?”
“I have talked to her. She’s not my cup of tea,” I set the remote down, “You could just ask her to move out.”
She leaned back, standing again, “It’s your house, and I’m not that mean. Plus I’d ask you to leave before her.”
I rolled my eyes, “You’re making such a good argument to get me to not come.”
Keira opened the front door, “Fine bye. Have fun being boring.”
Leo walked out of the bathroom, “Wait, you're not going?”
“He’s crying because Sophia doesn’t like him.” Cam laughed.